Audrey Kindred has been an ethical educator for the Ethical Culture movement for over two decades, developing peace curricula for intergenerational life, families, youth and children. She runs such programs at the New York Society and represents the movement in interfaith contexts on college campuses in NYC. She has co-written a course of Humanist Family Ceremonies with Ethical Leader Emeritus Dr. Anne Klaeysen, published by the American Humanist Association. In her first decade, which she spent at the Brooklyn Society, she deeply valued the mentorship of Leader Lisel Burns, past NES president Martha Gallahue, and current NES vice president Kurt Johnson. She is honored to serve the mission of NES.
Audrey has a background in the arts, mindful movement, and education. She holds a masters degree in Educational Curriculum and Instruction, and has developed a curricular body of work she calls Humanitree/Communitree/Unitree. Thusly, she enjoys the nickname Awe-tree.