Values based days to honor
Committed to the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace
Deep and Rapid Transformation Convergence is a project developed with stewardship by Kurt Johnson and Joni Carley, and with facilitation by Daniel Stone. This work has been supported in part by the NES Rose Walker Fund 2024 DRTC Core TeamJoni Continue reading Deep & Rapid Transformation of Global Sustainability Goals
Dr. Sylvain Ehrenfeld, IHEU and National Ethical Service representative to the UN Dr. Reba Goodman, member of ECSBC We are inundated by information. One example of information overload is the stream of US election polls as if we are following Continue reading Evaluating the Accuracy of Reported Information
Dr. Sylvain Ehrenfeld, IHEU and National Ethical Service representative to the UN Dr. Reba Goodman, member of ECSBC The current election in the US is very important for many reasons. Climate change action is one of them. A major milestone Continue reading Climate Change: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?